You have got to love the freedom, the variety that your new life gave you and now you fear it going back to the old boring monogamy. It is hell when you doubt if your partner feels the same and cannot be open about it. That is where most marriages end up. In sexual fantasies of one or the other, you will go off in diverse directions.
For the erectile issues, I recommend a daily tab of Korean Ginseng, it has worked for me for 20 years now, I’m 70 and still rampant. I did go through a period of doubt and softness which made me wonder if my fifties would be the end of hardness, but the discovery of Ginseng changed my life in that regards and is so health-giving anyhow that I will never stop.
It was a Chinese lady who introduced me to the positive effects of that magical root. She gave me a vacuum-packed fresh root to use in my cooking for a birthday present. She was such a delightful, open, sensual woman in her late forties and also swore by its use that I now follow so many ancient Chinese medicines and rituals. I buy dried root and chew it, or order the tabs on-line, or I’ll get Ginseng tea, either way, I can’t see my sex-life changing into my 80’s. Try it and after about 3 months you’ll be amazed at how healthy and rampant you are.