You are so naive lately Ade. Yes all these points need fixing, but you should know that you can't fix everything and anything if you don't damn well get elected. Those finite policies are just talking points on the road to winning power. If she even mentioned that reform of the cops it would give the right endless ammo to defeat her on its own.
At the moment it's about getting as many out to actually vote, especially those that might have sat on the side. With the crazy electoral college system in the USA anyone who stays home is a vote for Trump and your recent articles on here don't help.
The ONLY ISSUE now is to defeat Fascism. All the rest is fluff.
We did it in the UK recently by keeping quiet, despite the right's client press now constantly attacking Labour over any small issue, but that was under our stupid voting system. Now they have 5 years to try and make many good policies work and keep the fascist Faragists in the minority.
The USA economy is the best in the world at the moment under Biden, and a Harris government will enhance the US back to the successful economic policies of FDR and prove that the Reagan/Thatcher eras of selling off assets and making people poor deliberately, so that they fight each other for work while those wealthy industrialists get fatter above them.
Remember the Blair way, you have to reach the masses, get elected first, before ideology can be applied.