Yep, it is as letsexplore says here just judgemental people. They talk behind their hands about you or you can just tell by their unwillingness to even talk about it.
When I started working overseas and S.E.Asia in particular then come home and relate tales of many situations to my usual pals in the pub, they all looked the other way, or looked shocked and could not take it in.
I had to change my friends. There are always people who are not on your wavelength. Dump them.
Another example away from the sexual side was when in Saudi Arabia, our Safety Officer brought our local Muslim Govt. Support guy into one of the illegal drinking dens on an ex-pat housing complex, the place went silent and all looked at him, he couldn't hold his alcohol and had to leave. If they had been stopped by the Police he would have spoken out and then a few hundred people's lives would have been ruined, in raids and bans, floggings and deportations. The fish out of water has to be left to their own devices, don't judge them, their culture dictates.
If you dare to be different you have to back it up with the fellow travellers as your new friends and lovers.