Dare To Be Different, At A Cost, But Do It Anyway.
Why am I considered weird because I have my own mind, one that seems to be different from the majority?
In most cases, I have a different opinion from what seems to be most of the population. I’ve always tried to have an independent mind, to analyze events in my own way. I am empathetic by nature, always seeking to move situations forward without provoking harsh responses and encouraging those around me to be of similar persuasion. As a very successful manager in my career, I led by example and always encouraged my staff to be team players. I was tough but fair, but stubborn when necessary. That stubbornness was usually brought on by those above who tried the more authoritarian way of “my way, or the highway.”
In life in general and in politics, I’ve always known my own mind. I hate conservatism, I see it as backward and I have always gone against ‘the herd.’ When my father came back from World War 2, I heard him swear never to call anybody ‘Sir’ ever again, he was a reserve and one of the first to go, also a sergeant in the army, so he must have been referring to the officers above. He refused to say any more about his time there apart from passing on some expectations to us as kids with disciplines like polishing my shoes daily.