Will You Be My Lady In Red?
What is it they say about red clothes to imply that someone is flighty? We grew up with the saying “Red Hat No Drawers,” meaning no underwear. Red has always enticed me or turned me on. If you get a glimpse of a red lacy bra your brain immediately thinks of the panties matching them. The other old saying meaning roughly the same referred to a lady as being “fur-coat and no knickers.” Apparently about the time during WW2 street prostitutes used to wear red hats to let the punters know they were available “on the game.” The fur coat reference was to someone who had got above themselves but was just a slut under the surface.
When working in Dubai, my girlfriend Yo-yo went out shopping one afternoon and came back to the bar where I was drinking with my pals, so proud of her carrier bags with the shop logos, she made a point of sidling up to me to surreptitiously show what she had bought. Inside was a red bra and panty set which was of such a fine, flimsy, see-through material that immediately got me excited. I didn’t spend long in the bar that afternoon and I’m not sure which of us was the most eager to go back to our apartment.
The Chinese have a tradition of wearing red underwear on birthdays or the New Year for good luck, some even wear red underwear the whole year if their birthday falls in their zodiac year. The colour has…