Why not indeed? A lovely, natural thing to do. A girlfriend of a pal of mine used to get off on the spin cycle of a washing machine. She’d move in close and rub herself up against it, or even sit atop and play as it shook. She got off on him watching and they would invariably go another round creating more dirty washing, for the machine!
I had an ex-lover that would wear leather slacks, no panties and ride her small motor scooter just to warm her clitty up when coming to meet me.
We would often write fantasy emails to each other about what we’d be doing at our next rendezvous, gradually building up those expectations, and as I had to invariably fly to meet her, I’d be so horny with the thought of what was coming next that I’d be wet with pre-cum before getting off the plane. She would be the same and whoever got to the hotel room first would be preparing the scene in line with our writing. Needless to say, the first session would be very wild, before settling into the long evening, day or weekend.
She would try out many scenarios, horse and bike riding only a small part of her beautiful imagination, things she could never let go and do with her uptight husband. She even wore a long overcoat buttoned uptight, and totally naked beneath, and took me for a walk along a shopping district at night, ducking into doorways to rub herself at me before we’d make out. Then she would punch me on the arm on the walk back, laugh and give a little shiver, and say “I just cum again!” She took great delight in showing me how wet her thighs were when we got back to the room.
Great memories are what are keeping us young now Rebecca.