When will they ever learn? We are always learning, the one machine that did get the Labour Party winning is now seen as right-wing. You might not agree with much of Blairist centrist policies but you have to get in power before you can do anything. He was right about that. The problem you have now is that the mountain to climb is so much higher. When I was involved with the party the one thing that I was surprised that they wouldn’t support was bringing in a proper PR system. They were too high on benefitting from the existing corrupt system and didn’t prepare for the bad times. Now they have to embrace the idea that the country is no longer interested in a 2 party set-up. The Tories have never wanted to change the electoral system because it is so skewed in their favour.
The Brexit referendum was a fix and gerrymandered, but nobody has seen fit to expose it as such because the same old press barons that destroy socialism would benefit. The workers have always been harsh and jingoistic so it was no surprise that those in the north supported Brexit. They saw anything at going against the result as being against democracy and freedom, Corbyn and McCluskey, in particular, knew that the northern constituents were of the sovereignty argument. I say constituents, not party members. If Swinson hadn’t forced JC to hold the GE instead of hanging on to force a 2nd and fair referendum on the basis of the first being corrupt, we might have stopped Brexit at least, but still lost the election. Who knows? The country still voted more for Remain parties but our stupid electoral system assisted the Tories again. Which is what it was always intended to do. Much the same as the USA system is also designed to do in keeping the right with a better chance. The real left always has a mountain to climb.
We need to get elected on a left/centrist platform and then make the argument by solid human rights policies. Fight the homelessness and build, build and build again Council Houses back to a proper level, that will assist low skills and trades also because the demand would take wages back up. Fight Poverty and zero-hours contracts surely but leave the rest. Nationalisation put off far more people than is stated, it was quoted to me on many occasions as being ridiculous.
What do I know I’m sick of the thought of the right being in power and the nationalist sentiments shoved down my throat by all manner of working-class who are otherwise good people. If I had the money I’d move to Europe or Asia tomorrow, but then they’d probably stop my pension.