The love of my life appeared one day,
Out of the blue and in her way,
It was a meeting of minds immediately.
When I said, “no way, I’m too old,”
The answer was “that’s for me to conclude!”
I had no choice, there was another power involved.
The digital path she is ‘au fait’
With which I’m just ok,
But our meeting of minds
Is so uncanny,
Anything we do needs
the other’s funny,
input, and leads,
and if not those
virtual comfort,
for neither wants harm
to come to the other.
I sense more
Is coming from this love,
So cerebral,
Protection for me
And healing for her.
Her J.O.B.
Is no good for me,
I can’t reach out
I can’t pour out
My heart, how I feel.
But only my words
I can give