That is correct. We have all been brought up on the glories of empire. If you even mention that we needed Russia and the USA to help win WW2 you are accused of cancel culture, of re-writing history. It is engrained in mostly white working class viewpoints, the usual villains both here and in the USA. It is mostly only the English part of the country that believes that and many of those are glorying in the fact that the so-called "United" Kingdom will break up. The outright English nationalism that forced Brexit through is taking hold and this government has such a large majority because of the Brexit issue that it can virtually do what it likes.
Even with complete incompetence of the handling of the pandemic, the largest death toll in Europe, the polls show that Johnson is more popular than the opposition leader, a mild, gentle middle of the road leftie, Kier Starmer who was the main opposition spokesman against Brexit.
Pomposity and divine right seems to rule here, and we are all trapped at the moment.