Thanks to you also Maureen. We just found out last week that a US Insurer has bought out a London GP (General Practitioners)practice that covers 500,000 people. This government is telling outright lies that it has no plans to sell off our Health Service, but it gets around that by allowing these things to go on. GP's were always employed by the NHS on contract to local Health Authorities, but what they did was allow them to privatise themselves as a business whilst still working for the NHS. Then they have a captive clientele and the US Insurer moves in and buys them out and will take over the government contracts, probably employ doctors and nurses at a cheaper rate and bring in charges for all manner of add-ons. That is how it starts.
This government can do a lot of damage to our NHS in the next 3 years and they openly lie and deny their plans.
The good people of Bristol are already protesting against the Policing & Crime Bill on a weekly basis and that will surely spread to London soon. The govt. are using the police to attack the protesters under Covid emergency laws.
Johnson and his people are the worst sort of corrupt right-wing that we've seen in years. They have such a majority in Parliament that they can openly lie and get away with anything. The people will rise eventually but how successful that will be we shall see.