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Temporomandibular Disorder

(Jaw Pain in Cold Weather)

Byron George
3 min readJun 24, 2024


A little-known but particularly painful and debilitating condition for the people who suffer from it is known as TMD for short.

Like many people who suffer from food allergies or intolerances, this condition can be painful or disabling enough to keep sufferers off work for a day or two and be incredibly uncomfortable.

A close friend is a sufferer and deciding if a form of surgery may be necessary. When there is an onset of the condition, her jaw starts by clicking, then becomes ever more painful before bringing on violent headaches.

What the Temporomandibular Joints Are:

The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the two joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. The joints that slide and rotate in front of each ear and consist of the mandible (the lower jaw) and the temporal bone (the side and base of the skull). These TMJs are among the most complex joints in the body.

The TMJ joints, along with several face muscles, allow the mandible to move up and down, side to side, and forward and back. When the mandible and the joints are properly aligned, smooth muscle actions, such as chewing, talking, yawning, and swallowing, can take place. When these structures (muscles, ligaments, disk, jawbone, temporal bone) are unaligned or…



Byron George

Positive & sensual author; loves diversity, travel, other cultures, pan, poly whatever! LGBTQ+ Positive, Growin’ old disgracefully.