In Flagrante Delicto
People think that the Silver Lady is that attached to the hood of a Rolls Royce car, but my Silver lady is Cassandra the sexiest, sensual, and hot 71-year-old recently moved into our neighbourhood with her often cuckolded husband Bryn.
Cassie calls me when she wants to be the temptress or the organiser of orgies with the younger but equally hot former clients of her dating agency. She now knows my liberality and willingness to join her in her fantasies. Bryn just adores photography and has created amazing artworks from our sessions. Bryn occasionally frames enlarged prints where our faces are hidden, or more obvious activities are on show. He has a penchant for lingerie or clothes strategically placed and his work sells on-line at specialist erotic art suppliers. We share a passion for vintage style underwear and Oriental erotica and Bryn has been collecting some great prints for hanging in their large lounge.
The Lounge is on the first floor of the 3-storey townhouse overlooking a beautiful park and a small lake. The lounge has a balcony with bi-folding glazed doors which take advantage of the south-facing aspect. It is so situated that unless you stand outside on the balcony you can not be seen from outside, which when you and your guests are naked or performing a sexual act you would not be caught in-flagrante delicto…