Senior Lust!
I just read in my weekend newspaper that Author Isabel Allende has recently re-married at age 77 and she happily quotes that she is “in love and in lust.” I find that very encouraging for us seniors, now I just reached 70 years young. Isabel still looks great so why not, but I showed the story to some women friends whose reaction was akin to “Yuk.” I don’t get that reaction at all. I say “Good on yer Isabel.”
I must admit that over the last 20 years I’ve been a bit of a player, well more than just a bit. My life working and living around Asia and the Middle East just dragged it out of me after my wife went off the lust side of our marriage. The fact that my work had me living in Thailand for 12 years had something to do with it. I have written erotic romances about my time there and also in Dubai. Not all of those relationships, short or long were of the paying kind. There is something about those cultures that sends the younger women onto the older men and from my fifties onwards I experienced the pleasures that I’d missed in Europe for my formative years. In Iran aged 56, a 23-year-old whom I worked with on occasions asked if I’d like her as a second wife, her religion allowed that. I queried her and asked if she was sure about this, and her answer was “Why not, my Mum is 40 and my Dad is over 70.” Money definitely has something to do with it, as they feel that an older guy has made his way in the world, but even the casual relationships came more often and more unconventional. The problem for me now is that as I am back in the UK, those opportunities are not forthcoming and as a lusty guy of 70 who luckily looks mid 50 ish, and who with my last Asian lover of 47 was still able to manage 6 times in 24 hours, I’m feeling deprived and bored, trapped by life. I’m not trying to boast here, as I see that as a compliment to my girlfriend, who dragged that out of me.
The Thai and Chinese ways are not all about paying either, I’ve been approached many times by respectable businesswomen of all ages who knew what they wanted and would tell me straight.
What I am asking on here is what other western men and women think about my more eastern view of liberated sex. In the west it is not considered the thing to talk about but why not? I grew up in the London of the 60’s and we all enjoyed the hippy days of free love. What happened to those people, why are they not espousing that amorality and liberality now? I can go to a massage parlour and get a happy ending or hire an escort but it is not the same. I want someone of like mind who has no hang-ups about being a great friend and can still be adult about enjoying great sex. Or have I been spoilt? Should I just sink into old age quietly? or just move back to Asia at the first opportunity? I am interested in what the ladies on here think. The younger of you seem to be very open and liberated, why can't the older ones?