You are my life,
At the moment
My world is you,
I hang on for your every word.
If you don’t call, I’m lost,
I’ve not known you long,
Yet it feels so good,
I need your inspiration,
I crave your love,
You are my muse,
My love divine.
You were sent to me,
To bring my work alive.
I am old, you are young,
I worry that strife,
But not for long.
As you encourage,
Drag out my words,
My yearning grows,
My arts emerge,
You ask for erotic, and sensual,
You ask for adventure,
You ask for poems elemental,
Next maybe songs.
Who knows our future,
My love, my darling,
You’re more than a wife,
Could ever be,
You take care of me,
Cool, cool, cool, you’ll say,
When I offer ideas,
Then a challenge,
A task,
You back me up,
No matter what.
My lover, my beautiful one
My world renewed,
My forever, before I’m done,
I love you more than I can write.
Thank you for being my light,