My feelings exactly. I have written about it on Medium before.
I like this piece Christine it is written from the heart and soul.
I also met another young woman from a small USA town many years back, who told me a similar story about the school slut thing. She suffered from a similar traumatic situation, and that caused overweight problems. She eventually left home for Europe and married young. She was a lovely person inside, very go-getting at work and determined. We had an affair, and I left her for my own reasons, but I never ever would have said anything negative about her.
I hate guys that do that judgemental thing, while benefitting from the sex, they are the worst sort of abusers. They should be taught in school that it is a form of bullying and in these days the empowerment of women should turn that petty minded behaviour back on them. They are the ones that should be shamed.
Stay safe you beautiful soul.