Byron George
Aug 10, 2024


Many years ago I spent some time in the Netherlands when it was deemed to be very liberal in many things, but my gf at the time, a US citizen who had married a local, explained to me about the Dutch, "do not confuse tolerance with acceptance."

That underlying acceptance was the missing link.

We have to be completely accepting of people's choices, so long as they are not predatory or coercive. The more people just shrug and accept these choices as human rights the better society will be.

A nice article and I am in full agreement with you. I would also class myself as a straight white male. Full equality will only happen when we all accept other's choices.



Byron George
Byron George

Written by Byron George

Positive & sensual author; loves diversity, travel, other cultures, pan, poly whatever! LGBTQ+ Positive, Growin’ old disgracefully.

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