Love it! I've been saying the same to those much younger than me who seem to believe every loony toons on Facebook. I accept the risks of a vaccine knowing it's been forced through quickly, without the usual checks because I had measles as a kid, and joined the queue for a small pox vax when there was an outbreak in London in the 60's and took everything ever since from the old BCG which has kept so many safe and eradicated some shitty diseases. Along with the Yellow Fever jab when I visited Africa, Meningitis, Hepatitis A, B, & C when travelling Asia, you name it I've probably been jabbed for it.
That's why I'm 71 and despite abusing my body on drink & drugs and having had one stent in a major artery, I still look fit and at least 15 years younger. It's called positivity, growing old disgracefully nowadays and have always emulated Keef Richards and Jagger.
I did my own article on the similar theme on here a while back, but it doesn't hurt to keep on it.