I’ve never understood the anti-Cold Play snobbery either. While they are not my most favourite band, I do still like their stuff. I’ve never got it. These sort of things go around like a rash or coronavirus. One member of the music press might write some stuck up article and others jump onto it. They did a fantastic live set at the London Olympics along with Rihanna I seem to remember, another artist who gets stick for posing half-naked to self-promote. More snobbery from people who love to judge. I personally can’t stand Robbie Williams or Take That but I don’t constantly diss them online or when I’m out. Chris Martin is a talented guy who writes great music as was Bowie before him, they are just different ends of a spectrum.
I love the old Blues artists and the Rolling Stones can do no wrong for me. Back in the day, you were either a Stones guy or a Beatles guy. Or a Lennon guy or McCartney fan it has always been that way. Just love whoever you love and be done with it. I was at a festival where Marc Bolan was booed because his fans felt he had sold out, an artist sometimes has to become commercial to eat. I was a Jefferson Airplane fan for many years but they never had a real hit until that awful Starship number, but I hope it keeps them fed until their old age in return for giving me so much pleasure in their previous life.
The people to blame are the record companies, the producers etc. They drive the trends. Then you just have to accept that the rest of the public are not like you and it is nice to be a maverick and not follow the herd or those music snobs. I can’t stand Barbara Streisand’s music and people look at me as if I’m some sort of heathen, but to me she is bland, boring with no emotion at all. Give me Captain Beefheart at his whackiest and bless him for trying to be that much weirder, but also give me Coldplay.