I've been cancelled and accused of being a "Woke, Loony, Lefty, Liberal" by people I thought were friends of some 60+ years. They are ALL coming from the right-wing. All I did was support a centre left agenda and try to encourage people to be nice, accepting, and empathetic to other views that they thought oddball, like black actors playing white parts, or trans people being ok, just let them be they don't hurt was my view.
Woke is a term being used by the right to create fear amongst the general public, to create an enemy that isn't there, they lump all the nice people, or what they consider weak, under that umbrella term, no matter where it was derived. They are the ones that see the threat of the new age.
Argue with them and all you get is typical MAGA rants and Hunter Biden's laptop idiocy, then they point you to a load of whacky websites as proof that as I was told, "Wokeness" is a psyops by the deep state to assist the depopulation of the human race, and set up a world government in Central Ukraine!
What you are espousing is that sort of craziness.