It will indeed be interesting. President Xi is a Chinese Trump with more power to do as he pleases, witness what is happening in Hong Kong and go back to research what happened to the Book Sellers there a few years ago. They used to print comics taking the mick out of Xi and his family, but were kidnapped , taken to the mainland and 'retrained' also.
Jack is right about the Chinese financial system, if anyone has ever worked there will know their system of business taxation is harsh, 'Fapiou's' are bought and sold on the black market to show more costs against their taxes and most successful business people have been hiding their 'off the books' profits in Hong Kong for years. Maybe another reason Xi has been gradually leaning on Hong Kong, it is the major money laundering tax dodging place for the mainland. Rather like our people try to stop the offshore finance centres he is probably doing the same.
Fapious also known in China as "Fuck Yous" are hated because they get tax almost immediately on turnover not profit and the company has to claim any rebate later, it is far too restrictive, especially for the more global companies investing or setting up there, and you can not transfer profit back to the parent company outside China without paying a huge tax on that also. When I was there it was 15%. When you've already paid state taxes on your overhead & profit in the country and invested there to set up, that is cruel.