In my experience, some only ejaculate smaller releases when they cum, but there is always a release, just the degree is different. The lady has to be really relaxed and into it for it to happen. I note the earlier comment about the body twitching etc. and that follows even me, so maybe it is the absolute ‘letting go’ that brings it on. It is a complete losing of yourself in the moment, as also stated, a very spiritual experience for many.
I have had partners that have sprayed a whole room and gone into a complete crazy trance almost and it tasted as if sweet and honey-like nectar. But everyone enjoyed it, some were shocked, some wanted more. The word used ‘gushing’ is also a great description but at the end of the day, just relax and it will happen sometime with the right partner or it may not. The whole point is don’t put yourself under pressure, let go and don’t get embarrassed, it is a natural occurrence.
The lady who sprayed the room only achieved it once but used to tell her friends proudly and would call me from all over the world as “my husband!” When we were only holiday friends. That particular occasion while we were making love on and off for a few hours, stop & start, chat then carry on, we were totally relaxed and just missionary when she suddenly started laughing uncontrollably, jumped up on the bed and started running on the spot above me. She placed her finger on her clitty and showered me, the whole bed and around the room, whilst still laughing maniacally. It was quite catching as I was also laughing but completely soaked. It was definitely not urine and was an amazing moment which I have never experienced since. A beautiful memory of a beautiful time. So who cares what it is.