Byron George
1 min readDec 1, 2023


I'm English, and a Londoner, and have never called whipped cream anything else? I wonder which part of the country you heard that? My guess is that somebody adapted squirty because of the dispenser and it stuck, but I have never heard it called that.

I have worked all over the world and can quite agree with Wanker, it is so descriptive and not even very offensive these days. It can be used to just describe anyone who makes some slight faux pas.

Chips is definitely better. When I worked in China the pub there differentiated between, Fries and English Pub Chips on the menu.

Brilliant, Fab(ulous), Great, all are used instead of just Good. They are so much better.

Gutted is even used in a verb form to mean some job or other is awkward, dirty, or shitty, it seems to be a northern thing as "Gutty."

Football is dear to all our hearts, it is the National sport and far more international than American Football. Most Brits laugh when American Football has a "World Series" for a sport that about 3 countries play seriously. Even our Rugby Football has a bigger world cup. We can get quite condescending about it.

There are many others I suspect and we all have our personal bugbears. I hate having to use "Gotten" instead of "Got" when I write my novels in USA English & have often sneaked back in on the final edit and changed it back and it's not been mentioned back by my publishers yet.



Byron George

Positive & sensual author; loves diversity, travel, other cultures, pan, poly whatever! LGBTQ+ Positive, Growin’ old disgracefully.