I was in Houston when the Bush election was arguing about dimpled chads etc. and it was obvious to me then that Republicans had done everything to thwart democratic votes and quite clearly were more interested in power than fairness and the majority voting.
The Electoral college system is unfair in every way, it is outdated. The Republicans do all they can to stop people voting or their votes from being counted, it is disgusting to watch. How can you claim to be a democracy when you do all you can to thwart it.
The popular vote must be allowed in a presidential election, proportional representation is probably best for the likes of the UK, where our system is also skewed in favour of the right.
I guess it is not surprising that our constitutions favour the right, being that they were always written by establishments hanging onto power, therefore conservatism will always come out on top. Every Conservative party in the UK has fought fairness and improvements in the system seemingly forever. They've traditionally been against votes for women, serfs, anyone but landowners, lowering of the age to vote, almost all have improved democracy. The USA is no different especially when you see the opposition to having a healthcare system that will treat everybody not just those with money that can afford insurance. That is not a political decision it is a Human Right.