I was a premature cum artist in my youth and my gf and I at the time would read up on a sex forum letters page in a men's magazine. I can’t remember which one now, probably Penthouse, Mayfair or similar. The lady who gave advice there suggested that for us guys to involve their partner and get them to jerk us off first, and get rid of a load, then continue with the real thing. She thought that was great fun and she made it part of our lovemaking regularly. She would jerk me off first and we would then continue to keep my little friend hard, then we’d fuck properly and she got the benefit of the longer-lasting enjoyment and that in turn meant that she would always cum maybe 2 or 3 times before she could coax another load out of me.
That was one of the best sex lessons that I’d ever had and helped me so much in later years. I learnt over the years to never let the first load be my last and to aim for my partner to have at the very least 2 orgasms, but usually more.
I also learnt to read up more on sex forums and erotic reviews to gain even more experience and understanding of a partner’s desires. I’m still going strong at 70 and for all the guys out there as you get older, use it or lose it. If you don’t practice or masturbate daily you’ll shrink, literally and die early. All the ancient arts that use the male orgasm such as Daoism and Yoga forms swear by it. Even if you transmute the seed at the last minute it will add to your longevity. Either that or save and drink it for the vitamins it is an ancient way of keeping the brain going. Maybe that is why women live longer