I totally agree with you, it is no different to slut shaming. What you do in your time is nothing to do with anybody else, even schools and parents, and especially if you go about it professionally as you obviously did.
Narrow minded busybodies abound in our societies. I tell people like that don't judge, who is to say that you are right?
Do they physically hurt you?
Unfortunately there are too many judgemental people and hypocrites out there.
Well done for being who you are. On my travels, some of the best people I met sold sex, I got one girl to work as a sales assistant and interpreter for me and she was brilliant. I met 2 in the middle east who had good degrees from good African Universities, but were treated as cheap labour, so they did sex work as a sideline. We had some great nights out clubbing and in those places it was very dangerous for them.
It takes all sorts, and they are now heroines in my novels of my "Dream Team" series. check them out www.brianandbyron.com/books