I read a book written by a German woman survivor who was forced to take a soldier as a lover/provider for survival. At least it meant that she only had to put up with one of them!
They were just considered as the spoils of war.
The Japanese were the same to the Chinese and Koreans. Something the Chinese remember to this day. Read about the siege of Nanking that will explain why.
Some US troops in Vietnam did the same and also in Afghanistan, though less prevalent but still some butchery. The British also shot prisoners of war in WW2 but it is all hushed up. I got it from an eye-witness.
War is dehumanising, but the thing that seperates Russians seems to be that they are a brutal society anyhow, successive governments there have killed their own people without a care, as an example for the ideology at the time. They encourage other countries to do it to put food on the Russians table, they see other countries as inferior and should feed the motherland.
They sold nuclear technology to Mao in exchange for food, and Mao starved his own people to get his hands on that tek. They starved Ukrainians in 1932 taking their food and grain to feed Russia in the Holodimor genocide.
Until they join the more civilized cultures they will alwasy be brutal and regard themselves as superior.