I like the fact that you like it and to talk openly about it. Its not to everybody's liking because of its body function. Despite being very experienced and with many lovers I can count on one hand the number who have done it and really wanted/liked it. I'm not one to keep on asking, it either happens or it doesn't.
The best time though was when my Thai gf & I were going at normal sex really passionately, and she had cum a few times. We were doing doggy and she was squirting almost constantly and I slipped out and slid into her ass accidentally. She was so wet and slick everywhere by then that there was no stopping us, only natural lube and it was fantastic. She even spun around on top without disconnecting and it was then that she had 'that look' that girls get when they know they've got you where 'they' want you, similar to that look of power when they smile up at you after a blow job.
I had to go away for a while to work in Oz and by the time I came back to Thailand she had a live-in bf who was taking care of her, but whenever we met after, and might have a drink at the same bar she would always make a point of coming over to me and touch my cheek lovingly. So often that my work pal said to me one day "that girl is in love with you." I knew how it worked out there, she had someone willing to pay for her keep and that counted for more than the great sex, but she did my reputation no harm at all by telling her close friends. That made for more adventures after.
I've always been one that believes anything goes so long as both partners are in agreement, if you like it good on you girl.