I did the NaNoWriMo as a challenge a couple of years back and found it really dragged the creative out of me. I started, completely unprepared and let the story flow from one picture of a model in a vintage Dior Nightdress. I finished at 53000 words in about 3 and a half weeks. The daily pressure to take a plot direct from my head was exciting.
I still haven't published the story, but I recently went back to it, edited it and changed a couple of parts, and have it on the back burner ready to go after my latest 2 books go out.
I'd recommend the NaNoWriMo to any aspiring writer, purely for teaching the discipline of writing a certain number of words daily. That experience has got me to the latest "My Manager" story that I have written as a collaboration with my girlfriend. She is in New York & I am in London. We used a similar process, whereby she gave me a hint of an idea or scenario and I would write a chapter overnight, ready for her to read the next day, then I would put it on Medium as a short story under the "My Campaign Manager" headings. Eventually adding it all into one manuscript.
It is a fun way to create a story, ours are even better with us being so far apart we can write our romance into erotica as if we were virtual lovers, which of course, at the moment we are!
Check us both out on www.brianandbyron.com for the My Manager blurb.