I can add another method to reach the A spot. If you reach in with at least two fingers, probably better with three and head past the G spot, push as far as you can go and pump with the back of your palm, while giving the come hither motion, the additional air pressure being pumped in will release the juices.You can tell how effective as the liquid will run and build to the crescendo you want. If she is relaxed and lets go enough, her thighs and butt will almost levitate as the squirt happens. With practice you will have more and more intensive orgasms. But your lady must trust you enough to relax into that.
Those that haven't experienced that intense an orgasm might be shocked and fight against it a little. I've had girlfiends suddenly, sit up and look embarassed as the wetness shocks them, and they are not sure its natural. Another just sat up and yelled "what are you doing!" She soon got the hang of it though. Her husband never made her or even tried to give her an orgasm, telling her it wasn't about her, so when we had our affair it took a while to teach her how to get mutual enjoyment.
I don't agree that its about 'ownership' though. I just love to see my partner happy, and if she's happy I know I've done my job properly. The only ownership is often them falling in love, more likely 'lust', and trying to own me. I tell them not to interpret our enjoyment that way, to be adult and enjoy those special moments as memories. Cherish the memories and be free.