The hottest day
ever the records say
Made me remember my times away,
So many desert countries I worked and played
Then went further afield to Asia
In the field in India
They knew to the day when the monsoon rains would come,
In Thailand the rainy season was still so hot, as was Malaysia
Each and every country was forty plus,
Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam and Korea
Whereas here it’s big news at my home
When the upper thirties arrive for some
Two or three days only and yet they moan.
I want to come to you soon my love,
We’ll brave the heat wherever
Spain or Mexico
Italy or France
Not the stupid Isles of Brexit woe,
Run by the Eton Rifles clubbers,
The Bullingdon blubbers.
I’ll have to leave anyway,
As the authorities and card companies chase my ass,
Who’d believe it? They want their debts paid fast,
You’d think they would be happy to fund
This poor writer to leave his legacy of Literature
Not chase him…