Hi Louisa,
I think Medium has you down as one of my fans, that is probably why you get my stories. Thank you for your regular correspondence.
I have read much of the esoteric literature, the Allen Kardik “Spirits” book I found very interesting also. A couple of years ago I did a course on Dowsing with a friend of mine in the UK. There are some great books on that also. I have tried dowsing trees and asking their age and other things. That is something that I wrote about on my blog and I may have published on Medium also very early on.https://briangeorge.co/2019/09/25/a-friendly-tree-spirit-called-out-to-me/
As far as the ladies are concerned, I had a spell in my life where many of those lovers happened in reality. I was very happy to be a part of their lives and I honestly did love them all. However, as a writer they are not all true, just erotica to titillate the readers. When I started out to confidently write stories I used to email another writer of erotic stories, who I also knew was a very serious reviewer of literature. Her pen name is Vanessa Wu, a Chinese lady based in London, she writes beautiful erotic stories of her character’s adventures which you can also find online. She encouraged me to write erotic books and that was how I got the courage to publish also. From there I got into the habit of writing regularly and to write the first of my more normal thrillers of the “Dream Team” adventures.
I still like to write erotic stories on Medium, it is a great outlet for that sort of short story. I rather like it as an art form, but many people see it as porn or just trivia, but to me, it is real life and we should not be embarrassed or ashamed of that side of our lives. Maybe one day I’ll republish them all as a compendium. As I get older those erotic memories are a tribute to the many beautiful women and lovers I met. I try to keep them as Romances rather than some of the “raw” pieces on here. I hope I succeeded at that impression?
Thanks again, and I have had both my jabs now so can travel around confidently here. Stay safe and keep well.
Brian (Byron)