Basically, America's obsession with branding any country even slightly socialist as Communist and undermining even those democratically elected since even 1941 when overturning the elected government in Iran because they nationalised the Oil industry. Along with their puppets in the UK.
Look what that achieved?
Then to back Pinochet and assisting in the assassination of another democratically elected leader in Allende.
We do have problems in the world with Islamic fundamentalism declaring that their people only follow the Sharia, that is certainly undemocratic and an anti equality religion, rather like the Catholics before them. Overbearing laws which want us all to go back 350 years to where the Islamic calendar is what they seek.
Social Democracy is not perfect but it does allow to live & let live to a certain extent. The laws in France and Scandinavia against Islamic diktats are needed to combat that indoctrination but it may take 100 years to show those people that their own freedom and liberty is better than being brainwashed.
It will go on and on until we all accept that with freedom comes responsibility to live in peace with all races, genders, et al , one day we will be one world.