As young guys my pal and I would joke about our 'ideal woman.' She had to be short-sighted, have very small hands,(makes our dicks look bigger), have loads of money, run a pub! That was how much we worried about the 'right' one.
Then as we became more experienced sexually, it was all the previous, plus she had to swallow, take it up the butt, threesomes and be a full-on 'squirter.'
Which as we all know is a complete load of BS because when you fall, you fall big time. It could be that some of those previous preferences came into play, but we all knew that you ladies would lose most of those once you'd been married a couple of years.
By then you'd settle into the 'friends with occasional benefits, might have had kids, and become just as boring as many other couples.
Better to hang loose and stay free if you want to be happy. So long as you are self-confident and know what makes you happy, don't equate 'love' with sex.
I've met enough women who've advertised on married dating apps for 'No Strings' relationships only to find out that they are really seeking another husband or to fall in love. What they really seek is the early 'spark' that surge of eroticism and emotional sex got them. Better to stay fuck buddies and enjoy the ride, leave the lurve thang behind as you'll only get hurt, always.
But, we will still fall and not know really why. It doesn't matter how big a player you are or confident. happens! Happy Valentine's Day lol