As a Brit who travelled far and wide for work over many years and is now stuck back in this stupid little island of English nationalism, I'm living in this failed state, and it hurts.
It hurts like mad, it hurts my very emotions every single day. I look around, and using my local town's people as sounding boards, I despair. Even those that accept my analogy that the abolition of freedom of movement and Brexit is a disaster almost talk in whispers, as if we are a fifth column or some resistance movement.
The nationalism of the white van man, the working class tradespeople, is keeping the delusions alive.
We all know that to reverse Brexit is the only way we get renewed growth, but those diehard supporters of it have bought into the immigrants are bad rhetoric. It is out and out neo-fascism but tell them that and you are the traitor.
This is where we are. They see themselves as the archetypal business disruptor, needfully dismantling all our public services, selling them off to private industry, hedge funds and the like.
To the elite of the Tory government profit is their hero, people are their slaves, and so long as they milk the people of taxes while enriching themselves, all is right in their world.