Little White Englanders
In my England these days
I’m a woke, loony, lefty, liberal,
I’m quite proud to say
Called that by old ‘friends’
From back in the day,
I’ve never changed my views,
Except for a minor sway,
But these old boomer ‘pals’ tend
To be enraged when I posit back
In riposte to Telegraph polemic
Sent in my mail or by media hack.
They can spout their hateful rhetoric,
But I’m now a snowflake prick,
Who’s become a dangerous ‘Trot’
I want a Marxist utopia,
These old geezers say,
My defence is treason
While theirs is a rightful opinion
A charity request I sent on torture
Brought forth some hateful ordure
Ninety-nine percent of arrivals
Are benefits cheats and scroungers
Their rhetoric did not abate
Yet I’m the odd one of us,
Living under a cloak of hate!