If you don’t fund the WHO or International Development Shame On You!
Emerging Nations:
The Main Causes of Early Death in Children.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), an estimated 6.2 million children under 15 years died from mostly preventable causes in 2018. Of those 5.3 million happened in their first 5 years and almost 50% of those during the first month since birth.
Over half of those deaths are preventable and can be treated with simple affordable treatment such as immunization, proper nutrition, good quality water, food and available care by trained health providers when required.
The shocking statistic is that children in Sub-Saharan Africa are more than 15 times more likely to die before the age of 5 than children from high-income countries.
Breaking down those figures really shocks when you see that out of those 5.3 million children more than 80 % come from 2 regions, Sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia. Out of those regions’ half of all under-five deaths in 2018 occurred in just five countries: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo…