Ah, another anti-reducer who will not believe that we all need to do our bit. Actually the Koreans are exporting Coal Fired technology and building power plants in places like Vietnam. It is not China you need to always worry about.
China put a real effort in last year after suffering devastating pollution in Beijing. They are following the accord. China is implementing some policies to mitigate the bad effects of climate change, most of which aim to constrain coal consumption. The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of China set goals and committed to peak CO2 emissions by 2030 in the latest, and increase the use of non-fossil fuel energy carriers, taking up 20% of the total primary energy supply.[14] If China successfully reached NDC's targets, the GHG emissions level would be 12.8–14.3 GtCO2e in 2030, reducing 64% to 70% of emission intensity below 2005 levels. China has surpassed solar deployment and wind energy deployment targets for 2020.[