A writer after my own heart, well done.
You'll have to learn to be brave though. I love to write. I love to write up emotions in my stories. Even my Thriller characters are different, they are a very liberal bunch. Unfortunately the ignorant amongst us equate natural, steamy romance to porn. Then when you go out those, usually non-readers, point and sneer, "he writes porn."
I'm sick of the small town attitudes where I live and need success to take me away.
If you go through much of my back stories on Medium you'll find a mix of politics, sexy romance, travel, health and maybe just opinion.
But I am really proud of the "My Manager" series that I wrote with Sandra Power. She is really my manager. Sandra would give me the idea for a sequence in the book, and I would write the chapter. We've had some small wins with the first book.
Good luck with your erotic writing and be sure to send me the links.