A Silver Proposal that led to a Sunday Threesome.

Byron George
7 min readOct 6, 2020

Sunday lunchtime down the local bar, I had a couple of beers and watched the football on one of the large screens. Because of the social distancing regulations, we have to sit in ‘bubbles’ of six people and no more. It makes for an interesting chat when other customers leave, and another couple is looking for a seat. It is certainly more sociable than being restricted to people you share a house with only.

That Sunday was interesting because of the couple that asked to sit next to me. They were an attractive pair of silver-haired oldies around my age. After some general introductions and chatter, I realised that I had recognised them from some 20 years previous. Apparently, they had moved away for a while and only recently returned to buy a house in my street. Casting my mind back I remembered that at the time the lady of the pair, Cassandra and her partner Bryn were lovers. Bryn was married and it was an open secret that he would visit Cassandra once or twice a week as he lived in London. It seemed that in the ensuing years he had left his wife and they had been an item ever since.

While chatting and getting along famously Cassandra showed me an app on her phone and mentioned that back in the day she had started a business as a dating agency. The unique selling point of her agency was to arrange dinner parties for the singles or…



Byron George

Positive & sensual author; loves diversity, travel, other cultures, pan, poly whatever! LGBTQ+ Positive, Growin’ old disgracefully. www.authorbyrongeorge.com